Monday, October 15, 2007


Transportation is pretty much unavoidable these days. But when we commute, we are forced to put up with the commotion that also comes along. Yes, I'm indeed referring to the driving culture prevalent here. To get to a place especially in a metro like Chennai involves a lot of uninvited hassles. At times, I've feared that the auto I was in woluld be under the bus beside us..... It is so bad..! An understatement... May be!.. Recently, there was a record breaking attempt to see how far a car could go on a full tank of fuel. The end result was that the Ford Fiestas used in the attempt gave upto 31.2 kmpl for the diesel variant. Unbelievable and Unthinkable. This was achieved under test conditions and on a track. So now, who all are to take the blame for us netting just a meagre 12-15 kmpl? Seems to be a very good question to think about considering the sky high fuel prices now!

Is there so much reason to keep honking? It creates a lot of noise pollution. Only if all people tried being a little more sensible while on road...Life is a journey and all of us are travellers.

Nowadays, all the travellers are running. I admit that all of us are in a hurry at all times; its just how lkife is...Once can just see that when you observe the roads, there is simply no courtesy and hardly anyone gives way. One question: how much time are you going to save after all...? Why does everyone wait till the very last minute to depart? If there are 3 tracks on the road, there will be atleast 7 rows of vehicles! All of us are taught about discipline, courtesy and other morals. But almost all conveniently put these in the back seat while driving.

While driving, the rules are: no morals, no values....its just 'Me first....'

Who can bring in the much needed change...? Government...? no... Police...? No. Family is the basic social institution; this issue is more social than anything. The change has to come in the way of a complete change in attitude among the people. Yes... We have to admit the fact and change.. There is simply nothing that the government and its agencies can do about the whole issue than making better roads, and by removing the existing potholes! Till then, happy cruising!

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