Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Succint overview of TEENAGE

A child is born innocent without knowing the twists and turns of this world. As it grows it is exposed to the greatest puzzle – life. This exposure is highest or seems highest during teenage. The transition period is very complex as it includes both physical and mental changes. Teenage demands the knowledge of anything and everything in the world without realizing who is necessary or not. The mind is directed in all directions and does not concentrate in one field where, others force them to concentrate. This is the point of crisis.

Teenage is the time when a personality is struggling to be born. The problem arises when the attitude of the teenager changes. Until then one would have listened and believed to whatever the parents said but during the onset of teenage, one starts to think for himself but he is ridiculed by his parents. They try to fit him into their shell of thinking.

After stepping into teenage, he is expected to behave in a responsible way. But this is new to him; he continues to play the part of a child but the parents shower upon him a lot of responsibilities which he does not approve. He thinks that everyone around him is drifting a little and this makes him more stressed. As a result he is not able to differentiate between good and bad people. He is led into the thought that those who speak to him in sugary words are good people and those who advice him are a bore. His parents always nag him to study and help him in the household chores. He knows when to study and when to relax and does not like them to command him. He wants to enjoy life but the parents keep a check over his actions, as a result of they which earn a bad name from him.

He becomes a rational. He wants to practice the ideals of life but when he sees that they are only ideals he is baffled. His father has been preaching all the morals of life, but when a phone rings, the teenager is asked by his father to say that he is not at home. What does he see? The value of speaking the truth no longer remains an article of faith with the child. But when he follows the method of his father he is reprimanded. Therefore he is in a dilemma and does not know which way to follow.

The case in a teenage girl is entirely different. During this age she wants to be ebulliant and enjoy here pulchritude life. She does not realize that during this part of her life security is more important than enjoyment. This when told by her parents is not accepted by her and she looks at them with contempt; she tries to fight for her seeming right but does not succeed. She becomes literally aghast.
The common circumstances for both a girl and a boy of teenage is their effort to adopt the ways of others. This has become a common problem and the parents of the middle class section are left in a pathetic condition. The teenagers are influenced by the cine-heroes, heroines and models, as a result they pester their parents to gets the commodities which are used by the models or actors. The problem does not wholly rest on the teenager but also on the parents. They do not take pains nor have any patience to explain the struggles of life. They want their child to obey them blindly. Even though they have passed their teens with the same experience, they pose to their child that they were examples of life. They cover their negatives and expose their positives thereby making their child feel guilty. Therefore he also tries to do the same and as a result the separation gets wider and wider…….

1 comment:

Sharanya Rajendran said...

Well written... You have given out the exact emotions teenagers undergo.. good work... *cheers*

Why don't you also give out the possible solutions to overcome this..

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